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A stack to handle WYSIWYG content


  • Alignment options
  • Standard and custom text and background colors

  • Three different sizes
  • Individual font and style settings


Content stacks are used all over this site, in fact you are right now looking at one. It is usually placed inside other containers, such as Accordion, Card, Message, Box, Hero etc, etc


  • Alignment - to align the contents, use the "left", "center", "right" options
  • Color - besides the standard colors, the Custom option provides color selectors for the background
  • Text Color - besides the standard colors, the Custom option provides color selectors for the text
  • Size - you can set the font size to either S - Small, M - Medium or L- Large
  • Remove Bottom Margin - removes the standard 1em bottom margin


Font Set, Style Set and Cust. CSS Class - open up the advanced features of the Font and Style stacks.
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