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An interactive dropdown menu for discoverable content


  • Can be positioned left or right
  • Drop-Up mode
  • Can take any stack as content

  • Highly configurable
  • Edit mode indicators


The dropdown stack is a container for a dropdown button and a dropdown menu.
The dropdown menu can be set up of
  • the Dropdown Item stack,
  • the Dropdown Link stack
  • the Dropdown Divider stack

Dropdown Button

The Dropdown Button works exactly like the Button stack, although a few options are not available here. For the icon you can select any of the Fontawesome 4 (fa) and 5 (fas, far) icons.

Dropdown Items

Dropdown Item and Dropdown Link can be marked as active with their "Is Active" option.
Dropdown Content
The Dropdown Item can be filled with any stack. It is up to you to make sure it fits into a dropdown menu.
Dropdown Link
The Dropdown Link can either contain text or any other stack. You can set the text- and background color.
The Dropdown Divider separates elements inside the Dropdown Menu.

Dropdown Alignment

You can add set the alignment to "Right" to have a right-aligned dropdown. In Edit Mode this setting cannot be displayed.However, there is an indicator at the top which shows the actual configuration.


You can set the Drop-Up option to have a dropdown menu that appears above the dropdown button.
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