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A responsive footer which can include almost anything


  • Almost any stack can be a Footer item
  • Standard and custom colors
  • Color or Gradient backdrop
  • Image backdrop


Style Settings

  • Standard Colors - select one of the standard colors from the drop down. Additionally the checkbox With Gradient displays the standard color with a standard gradient
  • Custom Colors - select Custom from the drop down. This opens a color selector for individual colors
  • Custom Gradient - select Custom Gradient from the drop down. This opens two color selectors: one for the starting color and one for the ending color of the gradient. Additionally, you can set the gradient angle via the Angle slider
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Image Backdrop

For warehoused images, you can select the Warehoused Image option and provide a link to the image via the standard Link Dialog.
Additionally, you can add an Alternative Text.
In non Warehouse-Mode you can either browse to the particular picture or drag and drop it onto the image-well.
  • Size - you can either browse to the particular picture or drag and drop it onto the image-well.
  • Image Tiling - select a tiling option. I you want your image to cover the entire width of the Hero stack, select None
  • Image Size - select one of the image sizing options
  • Poition - if your image does not completely cover the Hero stack, select one of the Position options to place your image
  • Lock Background - choose this option to lock your image. This will create a simple parallax effect when scrolling
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